what is the best dog food for dogs?

what is the best dog food for dogs?

What is the Best Food to Feed a Dog?

  • Best Overall Dog Food: The Honest Kitchen
    Slow-cooked, nutrient-dense, and made with human-grade ingredients this is our top pick as the best food for dogs. 
  • Best Vet-Recommended Dog Food: Ollie Dog Food
    Thanks to its high-quality ingredients and health-boosting features, this recipe comes recommended by veterinarians.


Angie Luna on January 25 2023 at 10:26 AM in Health & Fitness
1 Answer(s)
One thing I know is that you want to provide your Dog with food that is grain free. Grain free dog foods contain the nutrients that dogs need. Grain based food is more like a filler,  lacking the necessary nutrients to ensure a healthy balanced diet. 
Lidia Perzanowski on January 31 2024 at 11:56 PM