How to Get Photoshop to Reproduce the Colors of Two Different Objects

Users of Photoshop have access to a comprehensive library containing a wide variety of tools and settings for editing color. What happens, though, if you want the colors of two different things to be an exact match for each other?

The objective of this walkthrough is to demonstrate to you a variety of approaches that you can take to completing the task so that it can be accomplished in a successful manner.

How to Use Only Photoshop's Color Adjustments to Make Two Different Objects Look the Same in the Program

Because it only needs to compare one color to another, using Photoshop's built-in color matching tool is typically quite straightforward and uncomplicated when only one color at a time is being worked with. This is because the tool only needs to compare one color to another. This is all that is needed to complete the task. After that, you should create a layer for adjusting the hue and saturation, and after that, you should make the necessary adjustments to the colors. One way in which color can be modified is demonstrated by this example.

You can use the Quick Selection Tool to make a selection in the document by selecting the tool from the drop-down menu located on the toolbar.

Choose one of the red glasses to use as your sample,cmm servicestaking care to select only the colored sections of the glasses as you do so. To accomplish this, simply follow the instructions that are provided below.

You can save the selection by using the right mouse button to click anywhere within the selection, and then choosing Save Selection from the context menu that appears.  Please indicate which of the two options you would like. The Red Glass option was ultimately selected as our preferred course of action. When faced with the challenge of selecting the best path forward from among the alternatives at hand, this is a useful strategy to put into practice. Even if you delete the option inadvertently before you are ready to use it or if you need it again in the future, the selection will still be available in the Channels tab. This is true even if you delete the option before you are ready to use it. While you wait, create a new adjustment layer for the hue and saturation while the selection is still active. This will help speed up the process.

Simply check the box in the Properties panel and then click the OK button to apply the color filter to the picture. Adjusting the three sliders will allow you to change the color of the glass until you achieve the look you want. The hue was changed by +39, the saturation was increased by +92, and the lightness was decreased by -2. These are the specific adjustments that were made to the color.

In the vast majority of cases involving straightforward items, color matching can be accomplished with as little effort as stated above. In the event that you are interested in gaining additional knowledge regarding how to alter the colors of objects in Photoshop, we actually show you eight different ways to do so.

If you want to match multiple colors that are contained in a single object, you will need to make multiple selections and corresponding Hue Saturation layers in order to successfully complete the task. If you want to match multiple colors that are contained in a single object, you will need to match those colors. You will need to match those colors if you want to match multiple colors that are contained within a single object.

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to combine multiple cmm inspection services objects into a single image. Clothing is one of the more common types of objects that needs careful attention paid to the matching of colors. As a consequence of this, there is a possibility of variations in the brightness values that are present in an object's highlights, midtones, and shadows, which can lead to problems. These variations in brightness values have the potential to cause issues. Let's give it a try by employing the same tactic as the first illustration in the previous picture so that we can observe the results and see how it goes. Even after spending several minutes adjusting the sliders, it is possible that the color of the jackets will not be able to be replicated exactly because there are so many variables involved. This is due to the fact that there is no consistent color for the jackets. Changing the Blending Mode could be beneficial in this particular circumstance, so keep that in mind. After switching the Blending Mode of the Hue Saturation layer to Color, we were able to produce a hue that was not only more vivid but also more accurately replicated the one that was originally present.

After that, we altered the Saturation and Lightness sliders in order to achieve a color match that was more to our liking and that resulted in a more accurate representation of the original.

How to Use Gradient Maps to Make Two Different Objects Look Like They Have the Same Color

If you aren't satisfied with the results you get from using a Hue Saturation layer, you could try making a custom Gradient Map to color match the two objects you want to blend together. This is something you could do if you aren't happy with the results you get from using a Hue Saturation layer. If you use a Hue Saturation layer and find that the results it produces aren't to your liking, you could try this alternative method instead. Let's make a gradient map for the woman on the right, and while we're at it, let's make sure the color of both of her jackets is the same.

You can save the selection by using the right mouse button to click anywhere within the selection, and then choosing Save Selection from the context menu that appears.  After making the decision to go with the Green Jacket alternative, we will move on to the following screen and click the OK button when it appears.

You can use the keyboard shortcut by simply pressing the letter D on your keyboard to return both the background and foreground colors to their original state. This will take effect immediately.

It is strongly recommended that a gradient map be generated while the selection is still active.

You can access the Gradient Editor by doing a simple double click on the Gradient Map that is located within Properties. This will bring up the editor for you to use. Clicking on this link will transport you to the folder that houses all of the fundamental gradients.

Simply select the first gradient stop box on the left, which corresponds to the blacks, using the left mouse button, and then click on it. After clicking on Color, which is situated just below Stops, the menu for the Color Picker, which is referred to as Stop Color, will become visible on the screen. You'll need to click and drag with the left button of your mouse to select the portion of the woman's pink jacket that is the darkest in color. After that, select the OK option by pressing the corresponding button on your keyboard.

Repeating Step 8, select points on the woman's jacket ranging from the next darkest color to the lightest color as shown in the image. This should be done in order from darkest to lightest. This should be done in order, beginning with the darkest and working your way up to the lightest.


Posted in Baby's Stuff Blogs on January 28 2023 at 12:23 AM
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