Catalytic pyrolysis machine of PS and PE in a ratio of 50/50

In this study, the effect of thermal and acid activation of NZ on the overall product yield of the pyrolysis machine process was investigated in order to determine how much of an impact each factor had. The results of this investigation were presented in the form of a percentage. This was observed to be the case when the waste consisting of individual PS plastic was contrasted with the waste consisting of all other types of individual and combined plastic. According to Lee (2012), PS degradation took place via a combination of random-chain scissions and end-chain scissions, which led to the production of the stable benzene ring structure. Citation neededNeeds additional citationsBecause of this structure, further cracking is made more efficient, which may lead to an increase in the quantity of liquid oil that is produced. The decomposition of PS followed a mechanism that involved carbenium when acid catalysts were present., 2014The production of char during the same process using a TA-NZ catalyst was only 15.8%, which is significantly lower than the production of char during the same process using an AA-NZ catalyst, which was 24.6%. In contrast, the production of char during the catalytic  of PS using an AA-NZ catalyst was significantly higher. The high acidity of the catalyst, which favors char production via intense secondary cross-linking reactions (Serrano et al. ), was the cause of the high char production numbers that were observed (Serrano et al.).  Citation needed Citation neededNeeds additional citationsNeeds additional citationsNeeds additional citationsNeeds additional citationsNeeds additional citationsNeeds additional citationsNeeds additional citations

When polypropylene (PP) was subjected to a catalytic pyrolysis, the AA-NZ catalyst resulted in the production of a higher percentage of liquid oil (54%) than did the TA-NZ catalyst (40%) as a direct result of the reaction. According to (2002), catalysts that have low acidity and BET surface areas with microporous structures can help the initial degradation of PP. This is because these catalysts can facilitate the formation of micropores. It's possible that this will end up resulting in the production of the greatest amount of gas possible. As a direct result of this, the total amount of gas that was produced rose to its utmost possible level. Within the context of this particular scenario, the production of char reached its all-time low, clocking in at 7. In addition, a number of studies (Xue et al., 2017) reported that the catalytic  of PE resulted in a lower overall production of char. This was the conclusion reached by the researchers., 2016b, 2017aCatalytically pyrolyzing PE with HBeta zeolite was successful for Zeaiter (2014), who reported a gas production rate of 95.7%. Batool et al. According to Lee (2012) and Williams (2006), the carbon chain structure of PE is quite lengthy. Citation neededIt disassembles itself through a process known as random chain scission, which leads to the formation of chain molecules with shorter lengths. It is possible that this will increase the production of gas. Because PE is the only type of macromolecule that only consists of these two types of bonds, this step was required because of this fact. In addition, the processes of hydrogenation took place, which resulted in the formation of secondary free radicals (a new stable C-H bond), which in turn caused -scission, which resulted in the production of an unsaturated group (Rizzarelli et al.). According to the results of the research that they conducted, Rizzarelli et al.

There was not a discernible difference in the total amount of product that was produced when both AA-NZ and TA-NZ were used in the catalytic pyrolysis of PP/PE (in a ratio of 50/50).  This was the case because both catalysts were used. Despite the fact that the ratio of the two catalysts was not exactly the same, this was still the case. This theory suggests that the high acidity of AA-NZ could be to blame for the slight decrease in the amount of liquid oil that it produces, and it is worth noting that this hypothesis has been proposed. This was because the amount of gas produced was significantly higher than the amount of char produced. The research conducted by Jung et al.


Significant disparities emerged between the yields of liquid oil obtained from the catalytic  of PS/PP (in a ratio of 50/50) using TA-NZ and AA-NZ catalysts, respectively


  • The amount of liquid oil that was produced ranged anywhere from 34% to 54%, depending on the catalyst that was used

  • The low yield of gases was found to be 3, while the high yield of gases was found to be 35

  • (2011), as well as by Seo et al

  • In addition to this, Jung et al

  • (2002) conducted research in which they discovered that the process of PP degradation produces the most gas when it is carried out in the presence of acid catalysts

  • This was found to be the case

  • One of the findings of their study was precisely this one


In the presence of a TA-NZ catalyst, the catalytic pyrolysis machine of PS and PE in a ratio of 50/50 resulted in the production of 44% liquid oil


- The ratio of PS to PE was found to be optimal for this reaction

- It was determined that the proportion of PS to PE that should be used for this reaction is optimal

- According to the findings of Miandad et al

- , 2016b, the concurrent presence of PS and PE during the degradation process causes the process to move along more quickly

- Wu et al

- In addition, the breakdown of PE occurs as a result of a free radical chain process as well as a hydrogenation process, whereas the breakdown of PS occurs as a result of a radical chain process that involves a number of steps (Kiran et al

- )

-  Citation neededWhen the phenomenon of degradation was taken into account in the study that McNeill and his colleagues conducted, the results were as follows:The fact that the PS was able to produce these rings served as evidence of this point

- According to the findings of Wu and Williams' research, employing the TA-NZ catalyst resulted in a 29

- 0 percentage point increase in the total amount of char that was produced

- There is a possibility that polymerization reactions are to blame for this increase

- As a consequence of this, overall yields of liquid oil were reduced

- In spite of the fact that the ratio of PET to PS, PE, and PP did not change, this continued to be the case

- (2014) was able to perform catalytic  of polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by using an Al-Al2O3 catalyst with ratios of 80/20%

- Moreover, Yoshioka et al

- In addition, the research that was conducted by Bhaskar and his colleagues found that the production of char reached its highest level when PET catalytic  was carried out in conjunction with the pyrolysis of a variety of other types of plastics

- This was the case when the highest amount of char was produced

- (2017(2016) made the discovery that the formation of catalytic coke from the degradation of PET was preceded by the production of benzene-free radicals with two different activated carbons

Posted in Sciences Blogs on July 10 2022 at 12:41 AM
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